There are some things that we as Christians are called to do that are considered awkward and perhaps socially bizarre. For example, baptism--the act of being submerged under water to publicly confess Christ and provide a picture of what Christ did for us. It is a beautiful symbol and an obedient act of faith, yet it’s weird and kind of awkward if you think of the act alone and not the spiritual implications.
We have been going through the great letter to the Hebrews on Sunday mornings and talking about the supremacy of Christ. Each week, I have challenged us as individuals to engage in conversations with others about the supremacy of Christ.
I know, I know, that is a big ask! How do you move from water cooler conversations to "Jesus is the most important and all supreme authority in heaven and earth?" It can be awkward and socially intimidating to bring up such a weighty topic.
I was recently approached by a man in a parking lot and I moved the conversation abruptly from someone stealing his bike to the supremacy of Christ. Although it was a harsh transition, it colored the remainder of our conversation with a focus on eternal perspective. You may think, “Chris, you’re a pastor, of course you would do that.” Or “Chris, your spiritual gift is in evangelism, so it comes easily.” Actually, my spiritual gift is not evangelism and even if I weren’t a pastor, I would try to be purposeful about telling people about Jesus.
It's important to consider that you might be the best possible person to discuss the supremacy of Christ with someone. Imagine an older married couple, for example. Maybe the wife has been really passionate about proclaiming the gospel to a wayward son or daughter, and she has exhausted all of her approaches and now feels she would push her child away if she continues to share. It may be that the husband, who has remained quiet about such issues previously, could set up a meeting with the adult child and have a serious heart to heart with the child about why he loves Jesus and how important Christ is to him. Sometimes, the people closest to us don’t really know why Jesus is so powerful to us because someone else uses all the spiritual oxygen. Your approach of honestly proclaiming who Jesus is to you and why He has changed your life may be the very word that they need to hear from the very person they need to hear it from.
Only the Holy Spirit can prepare a person's heart for the transforming power of Christ. However, we are to be obedient, risking looking foolish and socially awkward for the hope that the Holy Spirit works in the lives of some.
I’m praying for every person at Way of Life to be bold in their faith and proclaim the great news of hope and salvation in Christ!
Love ya,